The OSPA Welcome
Welcome to OSPA, Obsessive Skin Pickers Anonymous!
Whether you know it as Dermatillomania, Excoriation Disorder, or Compulsive or Obsessive Skin Picking, we too suffer from this debilitating, disfiguring disorder. Here in these rooms, however, we have discovered a solution, and through working the suggested simple program, attending meetings, reaching out to fellow skin pickers, and sponsorship, we have been granted the gift of abstinence, an abstinence we never thought possible.
OSPA is a beacon of hope for the many sufferers who have battled repeated attempts to stop, the shame and remorse of relapse, the hideous scarring, and the social stigma of skin picking. Based on the 12 Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous, and founded upon the concept of one skin picker helping another with an attitude of love and hope, OSPA is an answer to this disease, guides us towards a gentler way of life, and embraces the precious mantra “To thine own self be true.”
You too can recover as we have if you will join us, and put your hand in ours, on this incredible journey of mind, body, and spirit. You too can be free.
Welcome to OSPA. Welcome Home!
Support OSPA
OSPA is fully supported by voluntary contributions from its members and is free to all who need it. To make a donation, simply click the 'Donate' button and follow the instructions. Should the 'Donate' button not work from your location, please donate directly through PayPal to treasurer(at)